Motivational Quotes
At this age, we really need to boost our own self to take positive action towards what we want and perform better. Constant encouragement is needed to perform at an optimum level. The Following are some motivational quotes that make you feel better about yourself.
1. Make someone happy if you have the ability. Society needs more than that.
2. Those who believe in themselves deserve the trust of others.
3. Upgrade your faith to suit your destiny, rather than lowering your ambitions to suit your reality.
4. Don’t regret anything in your life. Good times are great. If it’s bad, it’s all part of the learning process.
5. You attract what you are instead of what you want. If you want to be great, you must be great first.
6. Don’t give up. Difficult times make us stronger and don’t stay forever.
7. Great things take time.
8. If you have a million dollar vision, be surrounded by million dollar thinkers.
9. You should handle yourself properly to handle success.
10. If we continue what we are doing, we will continue to get what we have gained.
Motivational Quotes
11. If you want your dreams to come true, you should work towards them.
12. Falling is an accident, but getting up is an option.
13. Never lose up on a dream because of the time it will take to realise it; time will pass anyway.
14. You will never know your limitations unless you test them.
15. If your dreams do not frighten you, they are too little.
16. Don’t be driven by your troubles; instead, follow your dreams.
17. When talent does not work hard, hard work wins.
18. What comes easily will not last, and what lasts will not come easily.
19. Formal education will enable you to earn a life. You will make a fortune through self-education.
20. Never allow people to make you believe their lies.